Last WC Callers History v1.0 09/26/94 8:59:24 pm ---- = First release of Last WC Callers! v1.1 11/12/94 2:23:48 pm ---- = MANY minor bugs were fixed (some on accident). A very evident bug is the program would sometimes add an entry with no name (Fixed, I HOPE!) = Rewrote source for a little more speed (maybe). = NOW the config file {COMMAND=} "key word" (the first word on the line that tells Last WCC what information you are providing [EX: BBSNAME=]) does not have a SPECIFIC order! The {COMMAND=} "key word" can actually MEAN something. = Added the /@CODE option. = Added the /@PAUSE option. = Fixed a bug that made Last WCC write too much information to a file that was specified to display the node the caller was on (the /NODE option). = Added RIP support! = The 'NUMKEEP=' option ACTUALLY works now! v1.2 04/14/95 1:40:00 pm ---- = Fixed a minor but EVIDENT bug that caused an error EVERYTIME LastWCC was run and an extra CR was not added to the CFG file (ie; the last line was not blank) ù-=÷ðENDð÷=-ù